Mastercard-funded Academy

Mastercard-funded Academy
The academy, is partly funded by the Master Card foundation and aims to develop young leaders across Africa. E-Procurement was implemented in Jan/Feb 2020. The organization has a staff of almost 200; of which 140 raise their own purchase requests on the system.
Before Wemasoft, the organization was using Kissflow. The challenges were:
- Approval workflows were rigid – not as customizable to desired levels
- Manual budget checking, when done
- Limited automated messaging/reminders
- Slow quote sourcing which was manual
- Middle-manager requests were not approved by anyone
Client requirements
- Client required automated document flow (Requisition-РО-Receipt)
- Customizable and smooth approval workflow
- Robust and flexible budgeting options
- Ability to monitor budgets
- Reasonable pricing
Key Takeaway
- The automated centralized procurement process
- Elimination of manual and paper-based work
- Transparent PO status tracking
- Customized approval workflow
- Budget visibility before approval